document intéressant du Dr. M.A. Fettah , télécharger la version complète ICI
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The revised eleventh edition of Diseases of Poultry comes five yearsafter the publication of the previous edition. Expansion of the poultryindustry continues in all categories and in all areas of the world,fueled by and keeping pace with an increased demand for poultryproducts. While consumer demand has driven the continuing growth of thepoultry industry, the resulting increased poultry population densityand the rearing of different types of incompatible poultry species inclose proximity have presented major disease challenges. Researchersand poultry veterinarians have had to effectively deal with the diseaseaspects of that growth. The ability to prevent and control disease hasbeen crucial in allowing the poultry production process to functionefficiently. Diseases of Poultry, 11e reflects those changes in poultryproduction. All of the chapters have been updated by recognized expertsin their fields and the format of the chapters has been standardizedfor the reader's convenience.
An international text and the standard universal textbook on thesubject, Diseases of Poultry, 11e includes contributions by leadingresearchers and teachers. Also notable are the revised introductionsubchapters which include Emerging Diseases and Diseases of Complex orUnknown Etiology, Salmonella Infections, and Paturella and OtherRelated Bacterial Infections.
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